If you just want to learn about some women's anatomy today, you can just read this one.
After this one, I am going to leave it until the next time something amazing happens, to keep you all interested :)and not go on so long.
So after all the women who have called me and left me messages and said some amazing things to me... I realized other people have things about their bodies they are worried about or have been motivated to change their ways, so I think this might turn into some kinda health informational motivational kick in the butt honest lets share our true sides, body defects and everything we go through to help eachother kinda shindig. I did however get one text from the INFAMOUS D-Man who was stoked on my blog... my best bud in Vancouver, the talented Saxophonist, so ... we know some men are reading... after this one... will they continue too?
Ill try to make this one more of a photo journal. Before the female diologue, heres what happened: Morning, slept in (AWESOME), woke up, had my moringa, one energy bar, and made my list for the market (waiting for this day and pretty much have an empty fridge). The results are in, all awesome gluten and fat free heaven...Thanks to the hutties (also known as hutterites http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hutterite).
Food from the market and some tropics from the organic section at the grocery store. |
Almond milkshake with banana, lemon, cranberries and sesame seeds. Energized. Now, coming from a person who never misses a bathroom break and is not your story book bathroom breaker.. I haven't hit the bathroom yet... hmmm... larger fiber intake? no more gluten? hmmm.....
Step two, walk dogs in this beautiful river, go the long route on fish creek, done. Lose Gizmo for an hour, accomplished. Almost have to run to the wood because now after exercising and an energy drink, in the middle of the trees my body finally remembers something.. "holly you can do this. you do not need to s** in the woods on the side of this busy trail, you can do this"...so I did, I made it, because I know things inside are liking the food they are getting and my body CAN WAIT 20 MINS IF I TELL it TOO DAMNIT! winning. mind control trumps. never would have before...
Home, getting hungry. Make amazing Thai dish with a new incredible home made sauce with some different kinds of vinegar (mainly seasoned rice), dash of brown sugar, fish sauce and a whole bunch of other yummies... so full after a half bowl. Weird? Whats happening here?
red peppers, snap peas, chilli pepper, rice noodles, veg oil, and an amazing sauce. |
Food in belly, two hours before heading to the gym to meet my girlfriend, I have yard work to do.. and a piece of information left out. There's something happening in V-town (gets funny due to later conversations), Its UTI like, but not as bad, which is a good sign, and even a little less common, not to worried but super uncomfortable.
Is there a boy reading?
Q) UTI A) Urinary Tract Infection
Q) Is it normal A) Common
Q) does that mean your gross A) NO!!
Q) what causes them A) so many reasons!!! YOU especially. e.g. condoms, other peoples organs containing bacteria, sporadic diet changes, unhealthy choices, the extra build up of naturally occurring bacteria, genetics, the material of your underwear... TOILET PAPER / TAMPONS, soooo many things. Yes its normal, but not if its often.
Q) what does it do>?! A), wellll, it can be gross or not gross, depending on which of a million you have! itching, burning, needing to pee every two seconds but only being able to get a drip out, a really disgusting discharge, that gets even worse with treatment before its better , inflammation, sooo many things, I don't even know. I just know, I have one of them, its minor, but it sucks!!
SO, that being said, this is not normal for me since I was a teen and going through all those hormonal changes, because from what I believe in is A) I have a fairly healthy diet (besides some of the wine intake previous and indulging in party items, B) im not very hormonal, I have am IUD and am pretty set at my age right now, C) latex has been replaced and D) I don't use tampons (WHAT?!?!)....
Girls if you don't use a Diva Cup yet, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING??!?!
Whats a Diva Cup anyways? http://divacup.com/ it might seem weird at first because of the idea, but give it three cycles and you can KIBOSH all the myths you have devised , like it gets stuck up in your junk (WRONG), you cant change it in a public bathroom without ppl seeing (WRONG), im gonna be really bloody and messy (WRONG), does it really save me money (YES), it will make my hoo ha bigger (WRONG). Wanna know what I think is an obvious reason to switch, and why 90% of my friends, which I consider some of the most amazing beautiful, some shy, some not, women on the planet, have done it...
Eco friendly, non-dissolving, re-usable, 5 yr long, 1.5 ounce cup VS. sticking 5 to 20 condensed tubes of paper up one of your orifices once a month over one week that dissolves with your bodily fluids and sticks to the inside walls of your vagina, holds in bacteria... and can ultimately...
CREATE UTI's and Toxic Shock Syndrome...
Guys do you think that's to visual? well your girlfriend might be doing that to her genitals, gross, tell her to switch it up! or pretend like you didn't learn anything knew today and withhold important information. How gross would your mouth feel EVERDAY for 5-7 days, if you stuck a wad of condensed paper into and let it sit ALL DAY LONG... think about it. bacteria catcher.
Super long story already long, somethings up, but gets funnier. It might have crossed my mind once today that since this guy vanished and I miss him a lot with a chunk of my heart, he might have left me a gift...... to add insult to injury only haha. kick a women when shes down huh?!@ ill conclude this chapter in 3 mins.
So yah anyways, t minus two hours to gym, I wonder about the above problem then did all my garden work. So good for your soul and this 1.5 hours made me so happy today, made my whole day :)
My Ruby Moons are finally looking gorgeous :) |
Roma tomatoes killing it, I should grow Pot I was told, I think I will.. |
Flower bed :) |
Stevia plant from just as sweet a person. Making my warm beverages so much more glorious :) |
Day 2 Photos: The Beginning.
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left, not moving, right, sucking in and tightening. |
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left, letting it go, right, tightening it up |
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left, let it go, right, suck it in |
ALSO! my butt looks rounder for sure in that upper left photo, see the difference not tucked up, I actually have a pretty small bum that will turn into my legs one day, and has a lot of abnormalities about it,, its NORMAL, and I am not self conscious - this isn't me trying to look like a princess, but if you don't take care of it now... itll happen faster. Yours might be worse, way worse!!! or way betttttter!!. but ... anyones ass can change, or legs, or arms (lungs, heart, skin etc),... and I can hopefully show you that, and how hard it might be for someone with 56% oxygen capacity of a normal human being, a high heart rate, a cyst in one of her main features, a foot discomfort that inhibits her from walking every three weeks or couple of months and a possibly UTI. whats your excuse? uncomfortable in your own skin, tired, and have no motivation? you are not the only one...
So after this awesome bitch and braun session with one of my ladies, we get into the ole vagina talk. Right away I get reminded anything related to that part of our body is kind of a nightmare. And luckily realized my symptoms are barely nothing, but im uncomfortable and venting. She reminded me of garlic... yah garlic, that thing that makes your breath smell disgusting and your sweat even worse but your food so good?!Yah that, to stick one clove of it up YOUR GENITALS with some dental floss and it will relieve the onset of a UTI, I didn't research the reasoning before writing this to give you some legit background info.... but realizing its been proven true by some of my mates... I went for it... cringing? hahhaa.
hahahha. |
Home, ate some awesome food, went for a motorcycle ride to Dawson to see some friendly faces ( listening to some new tunes that make me feel like superwoman) and got stopped short by an accident on the taylor hill. Turned around and went home. So I resorted to the hot tub with my allowed once a week glass of wine, wondered why I never got the phone call I was looking forward too, thought better of it and wrote this, now its time for bed at a decent time, ill catch up in a few days or a week :)
Luv Your Ballz xoxoxox PLUR.
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