Monday, November 25, 2013

double timing until the christmas party craziness

For some people, not having a single drop of alcohol for weeks or months is such a simple thing. But around these parts... surrounded by us fun socialites that like to have a drink once and a while, even just 250 ml of wine after a bogus day at work... is not so easy! especially when I have a had my side kick Pam G over for a hottub and working on my car, donde es la cerveza amigos?! But that being said, I am successfully on day 19 without a single ounce. Day 30 being the day of our big Christmas Party in Calgary!
11 more days till the party is on!
So until then, alcohol free, I have decided to also semi-double up the exercise intake. Going to the walking with my co worker at lunch and walking 4.0 km, then hitting the gym after work. The gym I can some times giver with some cardio in the beginning and halfway through, with usually a fairly large core work out and then weights split between arms and legs. And other times I will just go and do light cardio and a 10 minute core work out. So... it's not like I am being a turbo and just going hard every day with no recovery. I assure you that is not the case. Double timing my way until the partayyy!
Why are we so excited and all aloud to let loose?! Well, we are 6 strong in Fort St. John in our little office, but like all other enviro companies our parent office is in Calgary, so once a year our awesome bosses hook us and our beautiful dates up with airfare to spend three days and two nights in the Hyatt Regency downtown... Snazzy huh? So far... many a people have tried to follow in my co worker and I's footsteps of not having any alcohol (she is at day 30 right now), and you know what...I have persistently been asked if I was an alcoholic since I have found it hard not to have a single drop of alcohol for 19 days...(which i wasn't by the way), but you know what.... WE ARE THE ONLY ONES WHO HAVE PERSISTED in this, no one else has been able to do it... so what does that say? I think it just says, that people like to have a fricken drink once and a while, and no Andrea (a single beautiful mom working full time) and I (not single but without man and hard working) are not alcoholics. Try it, if you are a normal socialble kinda person, its not that easy. That being said... my boyfriend actually... finds it stupid easy. I started dating him in July.. and he was on "dry July" and was no problem, then now in November, he was like OK Ill do it with you I don't care - if it will help you... no problem again. Amazing that one is. So I lied, there is 3 of us.. but i cant keep an eye on my man friend, but he is not much of a fibber so I will take his word.

Lets hope this year my date actually shows up, which I know he will... A) hes not a pipeliner and B) hes an amazing boyfriend whose just as stoked to see me as I am to see him! Last year... I cant say the same for my previous dating catastrophe. Everyones super excited to meet the mysterious man named Konstantin. Its turning into quite a joke with the girls in Calgary - I think his name is sexy (Kostya for short), as it just as fitting; they re expecting some kind of biblical or greek god to show up... or a seasoned doctor who writes encyclopedias.

All these things drive me to try to make my body feel better. To feel good AND look good for multiple reasons. I am going to go hard (and hopefully continue on) until my xmas party where I finally get to let loose and have some amazing food and wine - pre party night downtown Calgary will foreshadow how the xmas party goes. Lets hope the FSJ ers don't show there true party side and our bosses think we are just loose cannons lol! They would not be so far off I suppose...

Oh yah... I am starting the wilrose cleanse as well... which is a 12 day cleanse (perfect timing eh)... but I only have half a kit (long story), so I will be following the diet all the way through, and the kit only for 6 days. The diet is really the most important anyways so take that how you will. Its just another small challenge on the list. Small but tough. The finish line is almost here, then many more finish lines to come.

The end result is all the same, to kick a potentially life saving or life threatening surgery IN THE ASS and feel good all the way up until that day.. and many years after.

Life's too short, I am going to keep making goals and challenges, it's keeping me occupied, interested and happy :)

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